Our office will be closed to the public until further notice

Contact Us

Mon - Fri: 8:00AM - 4:00PM

Phone: (860) 643-2163 EXT #100

24 Bluefield Drive Manchester, CT 06040

Staff Directory

Front Desk
Name Title Email Extension
Nancy Fuggetta Receptionist reception@manchesterha.org #100
Public Housing Department
Martha Bertrand Property Manager martha@manchesterha.org #107
Stephen Itsou Deputy Director / Property Manager stepheni@manchesterha.org #106
MHA Section 8 Department
Ivette Cook HCV Specialist ivettec@manchesterha.org #103
Kennie Arzuaga HCV Specialist kenniea@manhcesterha.org #109
J D'Amelia Program Section 8 Program
Jewelia Bialy HCV Specialist jeweliab@manchesterha.org #105
Karla Figueroa RAP Specialist karlaf@manchesterha.org #108
Jamilly Irizarry HCV Specialist jaymillyi@manchesterha.org #104
Suhadey Negron HCV Specialist suhadeyn@manchesterha.org #114
J D'Amelia Program RAP Program
Serena Curley RAP Specialist serenac@manchesterha.org #118
Justin Trible RAP Specialist justint@manchesterha.org #115
Resident Services Department
Shannon McKay Resident Service Officer shannonm@manchesterha.org #110
Congregate Housing
Kamal Armstrong Property Manager kamala@manchesterha.org #120
Maintenance Department
Anthony Sartirana Foreman
James Adams Maintenance Staff
Eric Beaulieu Maintenance Staff
Kreig Landry Maintenance Staff
Wilson Ramos Maintenance Staff
Jesse Serrano Maintenance Staff
After Hours Emergency 860-209-8923
Finance Department
Cheryl Stout Bookkeeper cheryls@manchesterha.org #117
Robert Counihan Fee Accountant robertc@manchesterha.org #102
Executive Department
Joseph D’Ascoli Executive Director josephd@manchesterha.org #101
Stephen Itsou Deputy Director / Property Manager stepheni@manchesterha.org #106
Jackie Mercado Director of Section 8 HCV & J D'Amelia Programs jackiem@manchesterha.org #112
Allison Chaponis Administrative Assistant allisonc@manchesterha.org #111